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All products are living well - and resurrects

Durability is key - and disposal is not an option!


This is how we start 
The choice of materials, fittings, design, and not least good craftsmanship, are absolutely crucial for durability. 
Producing clothes with a long service life requires in-depth insight into use and the user. 
In our opinion, it is the best ”investment” for you and the environment if we use the best materials that last the longest. 
In this way, we can popularly argue that it pays to buy expensive products.


Alignment of expectations 
It reduces consumption if our user ends up with the product that fits the user-profile.


Our complaint rate 
Historically, we have had less than 0.5 per thousand complaints over the last 20 years. 
In practice, we have always been relatively sustainable in our basic form. 
All complaints are thoroughly evaluated. 
The in-depth knowledge of damage and repairs has established a solid platform of knowledge for preventing”problems”. 
We know how to design and prepare the clothes, so it is easy to repair worn parts locally. 
We repair what we can, regardless, disposal is never an option.


This is how discarded resurrection occurs 
We are experts in transforming old into new. 
All repairs that cannot be repaired, as well as submitted “retired clothing parts”, become spare parts, or part of our recycling program.

In collaboration with a Danish social economy sewing shop, we “upcycle”/recycle everything that ends with us. 
We transform jackets, sweaters, pants, surplus from productions, offcuts and fabric samples. 
It is resurrected into everything from bully hats to art collages. 
We recognize the complexity of claiming we are “greener”, nevertheless, rest assure, we do our absolute best every day, to improve.

NextLife - Upcycled - from Geoff Anderson is developed and thoroughly tested for angling


NextLife - Upcycled - from Geoff Anderson is developed


NextLife - Upcycled - from Geoff Anderson is developed


NextLife - Upcycled - from Geoff Anderson is developed


NextLife - Upcycled - from Geoff Anderson is developed